We are happy that you have chosen to celebrate the beginning of your married life at here Our Lady Help of Christians!
Please note that a six months notice is required before your planned wedding date.
Please call the church rectory at (323) 223-4153 to make an appointment to begin your marriage process!
Nos alegra que hayas elegido celebrar el comienzo de tu vida matrimonial aquí en Maria Auxiliadora!
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que se requiere un aviso de seis meses antes de la fecha de su boda planificada.
Por favor, llame a la rectoría de la iglesia al (323) 223-4153 para hacer una cita para comenzar su proceso de matrimonio!
We are human; we sin. The good news is the Lord is always ready and eager for us to take advantage of His mercy. The Sacraments are privileged encounters with the Living God. It is in the Sacraments that we meet Jesus Christ face-to-face. He alone offers us His mercy, forgiveness and grace in the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
Confessions: Saturdays 6:00pm - 7:00pm
Through our baptism we are incorporated into the life of Christ and given the free gift of sanctifying grace; the supernatural gift that helps us to follow Christ, even when it’s difficult.
Please note that a one month notice is required.
Please call the church rectory at
(323) 223-4153 to make an appointment to begin your Baptism process!
A través de nuestro bautismo somos incorporados a la vida de Cristo y se nos da el don gratuito de la gracia santificante; el don sobrenatural que nos ayuda a seguir a Cristo, incluso cuando es difícil.
Por favor, tenga en cuenta que se requiere un aviso de un mes.
Por favor, llame a la rectoría de la iglesia al (323) 223-4153 para registrar.